Services for Oil & Gas


Oil & Gas industry always seems to be in the midst profound changes – recent key trends include:

  • Changing supply dynamics from tar sands, shale oil & gas and other unconventional sources
  • Continued regulatory push in emissions control, green or alternative energy
  • Dynamics of financial sector money in energy trading & investments
  • Geo-political uncertainty: Mid-East Turmoil, Chinese spending
  • Volatility in pricing relationships: gas-oil, Brent-WTI
  • Costs and reporting burdens of regulatory oversight in financial and commodity markets

Each of these may impact some aspect of your oil and gas value chain in different degrees, particularly in terms of changes in demand/supply dynamics and price movements. Managing earnings volatility requires a more comprehensive approach to the complexity inherent in energy trading and risk management that goes beyond traditional price risk management alone.


Our Services:

AXCELERUS can help you. Our 60 + years of combined experience has encompassed the entire energy Supply & Trading (S&T) value chain. We offer our clients customized solutions for the following key services:


  • Advisory:
    • New Commodity Trading Entrant Services
    • S&T Target Operating Model
    • Merger & Acquisitions (M&A) - due-diligence on CTRM systems
    • Business requirements analysis
    • Business process design/re-design and controls
    • Foundational elements for energy risk management framework: e.g., Risk Policies & Procedures, Limits, and Reporting ; Risk Measures and Analysis (including VaR, Scenario and Stress Analysis))


  • Commodity trading and risk management (CTRM) systems:
    • CTRM systems requirements evaluation, selection, implementation, upgrade and enhancements
    • CTRM EcoSystem TM analysis, CTRM-ERP functionality review, and CTRM AppRat TM analysis
    • Trade Surveillance and Monitoring
    • Regulatory compliance (e.g., Dodd-Frank, EMIR)
    • Custom System development
    • Project Management Services


Our Insights:

  • Visit our blog on “Shale Gas Conundrum – Low Natural Gas Prices!” at

Contact Us


2647 Rossmoor Drive

Pittsburgh, PA  15241


Phone:  +1 (281) 309 4668



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